Dpto. de Intervenciones Públicas (DIP)

Experiencia de accion: 30 dias


Dpto. de Intervenciones Públicas:
Experiencia de accion: 30 dias,
8th Havana Biennial, 2003

DIP activities are focused on spaces where daily life unfolds. Situations are extracted to create a more obvious relationship between the individual and his/her surroundings. That way the ordinary observer becomes a conscious actor and spectator. Through DIP's reflective and symbolic actions reality can be experienced differently. The projects of the Cuban artist group are not limited to performance, happenings or any other artistic language. Art here stands for the investigation and examination of the close environment, recognising the inseparable bond between the individual and daily life, between the public and private, the inside and outside. For that the concept of psychogeography where spaces are indicated in which the individuals grant their subjectivity is essential.

DIP is: Fidel E. Álvarez Causil, Analía Amaya García, Douglas Argüelles Cruz, Abel Barreto Olivera, Humberto Díaz Pérez, Heidi García González, Tatiana Mesa Paján, María Victoria Portelles de la Nuez, Ruslán Torres Leyva, Jorge Wellesley-Bourke Marín.

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