L.s Karte

Bildausschnitt: Elsa Schiaparelli, "Empress of Paris Fashion",
S. 132 Palmer White, Aurum Press

«L. strangely can't move. She is lying in bed, but the bed is an intricate trap that has closed on her. The outside world functions without her, in institutes and on tennis courts, and in banks. Suddenly L. receives a call that sets her in motion. On her way, she meets O with whom she falls in love. But he does not come to her. Instead, L. is pursued by dealers who want to sell O to her, she is threatened and held up by employees of the Athe-ne Bank and mobile phone sellers, until L.'s newly acquired knowledge of capitalism, moral standards, the economy and dependency becomes increasingly clear to her and she then conveys this it to others. While searching for O in all corners of the city, a conflict-ridden chase commences; it ends with an explosion of customary knowledge economies.

The radio drama is approx. 30 minutes long and realised in the form of a dramatised, enacted story. As structural elements, we used found footage of everyday sounds and from radio programmes, as well as copied VIP-interviews that will return in the radio drama as "copyleft modules".»

Judith Hopf, born in 1969, lives and works is Berlin. She is currently visiting professor at the HfK Weißensee, Berlin. Since 1995, she has participated in international exhibitions with installation works, drawings and video film productions.

Frauke Gust, born in 1964, lives and works as a freelance author in Berlin. Since 1995 she has been working for SFB/RBB radio, for Deutschlandfunk and Deutsche Welle, and since 2002 has produced television programmes as well.

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